Eggnog Punch

By Ellen Brenneman on November 24th, 2023
Eggnogg punch

There are several variations to this eggnog punch, allowing you to customize it to your taste buds. We started with even proportions of eggnog, ice cream, and soda, leaving the alcohol out so guests can add their own. For a thicker, richer punch, up the amount of ice cream or eggnog. For a lighter, fizzier drink, use more soda.

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Eggnogg punch


  • 1 quart melted vanilla ice cream, melted
  • 1 quart eggnog, chilled
  • 1 quart soda, chilled (ginger ale, lemon-lime soda, or cream soda)
  • Liquor, as desired (bourbon, whiskey, rum, amaretto, coffee liqueur)
  • Whipped cream, as desired
  • Nutmeg, to garnish


  1. Combine the ice cream, eggnog and soda. Adjust proportions until you like it.
  2. Stir and keep chilled until serving.
  3. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream and a dash of nutmeg.
Our highly informal taste test results:
  • Ginger ale gives the punch a hint of spice.
  • Lemon-lime soda makes it tangier.
  • Cream soda doesn’t really add any new flavour.
  • Bourbon, whisky, and rum are traditional favourites in eggnog.
  • Amaretto is surprisingly yummy (and decadently sweet).
  • Anyone who loves eggnog lattes will love eggnog punch with a shot of coffee liqueur.